Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X: Which to Buy?

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By Victor Ashiedu


Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X: Full Specs Comparison

These tech specs may be a bit confusing. To help you differentiate the performance of the 2 processors, see the next 2 sections.

Feature NameRyzen 7 2700X SpecsRyzen 7 3700X Specs
Launch DateApril 2018July 2019
Processor CollectionAMD Ryzen 7 Desktop ProcessorsAMD Ryzen 7 Desktop Processors
Processor Number2700X3700X
Number of Cores88
Number of Threads1616
Base Clock Speed3.7 GHz3.6 GHz
Maximum Clock Speed4.3 GHz4.4 GHz
L3 Cache 16 MB32 MB
Max Supported Memory64 GB128 GB
Supported Memory TypeDDR4DDR4-320
Max Number of Memory Channels22
Max Memory Bandwidth43.71 GB/s47.68 GB/s
Ryzen 7 2700X vs i7 9700K* Pricesfrom $237.99from $279.99
*Prices correct as at the time of writing this comparison buying guide. Prices may change at any time. If you make a purchase from the links, we may receive a commission. However, this does not affect the price you pay.

Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X: Performance Comparison

This section compares performance features of Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X processors – Cores and Threads, Maximum Clock Speed, L3 Cache, and Max Supported Memory.

The purpose of this session is to compare the core features that affect the performance of a processor. This will make it easy to determine the processor that is better.

This section compares the 2 processors for Cores and Thread, Frequency, Cache, and Supported Memory. In the next section, I give my final verdict and the processor that won the overall contest.

Number of Cores and Threads

Starting my Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X performance comparison is a detailed evaluation of the number of cores and threads of both processors. Processor “Core” defines the number of independent CPUs (central processing units) in a single processor chip.

Unlike Cores, which define the number of CPUs, Threads is the number of sequences of instructions that a single CPU core can handle. Both features determine the performance of a processor. The more cores and Threads the faster a processor.

Ryzen 7 2700X and Ryzen 7 3700X are both 8-core, 16 threads processor. Comparing the 2 processors for Cores and Threads, they offer the same features.

Maximum Clock Speed

The next processor performance feature is its maximum clock speed. This is the number of tasks a processor can complete in one processor processing cycle.

Processor manufacturers specify the base processor speed. They also specify the maximum speed of a processor. The base speed is the “normal” clock speed of a processor while the maximum clock speed is the fastest frequency the processor can support.

In comparing processor performance, we use the maximum clock speed. AMD Ryzen 7 2700X has a base speed of 3.7 GHz but it can go up to 4.3 GHz. However, Ryzen 7 3700X has a base clock speed of 3.6 GHz but it can be configured to clock up to 4.4 GHz. The difference in maximum clock speed is marginal. I will, therefore, make this a tie.

L3 Cache

The 3rd feature in my Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X performance comparison is cache. The size of a processor’s cache affects the performance of the processor. A processor has 3 cache levels – 1, 2, and 3. For the purpose of this comparison buying guide, I use the level 3 (L3) cache.

The more the L3 cache available to a processor, the faster a processor can potentially complete processes faster. Ryzen 7 2700X has an L3 cache of 16 MB MB. However, Ryzen 7 3700X has an L3 cache of 32 MB. Based on L3 3 cache, Ryzen 7 3700X is a better processor.

Max Supported Memory (RAM)

Finally, in my Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X performance comparison is the maximum supported memory (RAM). In the last section, I mentioned that a processor requires a cache to process tasks fasts. However, no matter how much caches a processor has, it still requires the system memory.

The more system memory on a computer, the better the memory can support the processor. However, the maximum memory is limited by how much a processor can support.

Ryzen 7 2700X supports a maximum of 64 GB while Ryzen 7 3700X supports up to 128 GB DDR4 memory. Comparing both processors for maximum supported RAM, Ryzen 7 3700X is a better processor.

Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X: Available Deals

The table below specifies the stores and the prices for the 2 processors

Product NameStorePrice
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X processorAmazonfrom $237.99
eBayfrom $163.50
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processorAmazonfrom $279.99
eBayfrom $279.99


The table below is a summary of the performance features of both processors.

Feature NameAMD Ryzen 7 2700XAMD Ryzen 7 3700X Winner
Number of Cores 88No winner
Number of Threads1616No winner
Maximum Clock Speed4.3 GHz4.4 GHz3700X
L3 Cache16 MB32 MB3700X
Max Supported Memory64 GB128 GB3700X

My final verdict: considering performance, Ryzen 7 3700X is better than Ryzen 7 2700X. Considering that the price difference is not much, I recommend Ryzen 7 3700X.

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About the Author

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Victor Ashiedu

Victor is the founder of InfoPress Media, publishers of Ilifeguides and Itechguides. With 20+ years of experience in IT infrastructure, his expertise spans Windows, Linux, and DevOps. Explore his contributions on Itechguides.com for insightful how-to guides and product reviews.

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