LinkedIn Private Mode Explained: What it and How it Works

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By Mary Agada James


Wondering what “private mode” on LinkedIn is, and how it works? You are in luck as this article explains all you need to know about this feature.


By default, you automatically share your profile information with other people when using LinkedIn. Accordingly, when you visit someone’s profile, LinkedIn will notify the person.

Hence, he/she will be able to access your profile information from the “Who viewed your profile” list. 

However, some users on LinkedIn might want to be anonymous for various reasons. That’s why LinkedIn introduced “private mode” in 2015.

This is a feature that gives users the opportunity to browse through anyone’s profile anonymously. Basically, when browsing in private mode, you can view someone’s profile without sharing your information.

Thus, the person whose profile you viewed won’t be able to see your name, picture, job title, and other profile characteristics. You will basically be like a ghost.

This can be helpful if you want to “spy” on someone. Also, it is beneficial if you need certain information from a person’s profile without wanting to be detected.

Now that we have an overview of this LinkedIn feature, I know you must be curious to know how it works. To satisfy your curiosity, read the section below.

How Does Private Mode On LinkedIn Work?

In the previous section, I hinted that private mode on LinkedIn allows you to hide your activity on the platform. Due to this, you can browse and view people’s profiles anonymously.

Hence, when you view someone’s profile in private mode, you will appear as a “LinkedIn Member”. Your name and other information will not be shared with the person whose profile you viewed.

To know how to activate private mode on LinkedIn, follow the instructions available on How To Enable LinkedIn Private Mode.

However, the full functionality of this feature depends on the type of LinkedIn account you operate.

Basically, as most of us know, you can sign up for a basic LinkedIn account or premium account. Hence, if you use private mode with a basic LinkedIn account, you can view anyone’s profile anonymously.

However, you will not be able to see who views your profile. Meanwhile, with a premium account, you will be able to do both.

Essentially, just like the basic LinkedIn account, you can browse people’s profiles anonymously. However, with the premium account, you will also be able to see the list of people who viewed your profile within the last 90 days.

Regardless, you cannot restrict private mode users or reveal their profile information when they go through your profile. This is due to the fact that LinkedIn has a policy that respects members’ privacy settings.

Thus, even if you operate a premium LinkedIn account, you cannot reveal the profiles of private mode users.

Features of Private Mode On LinkedIn

Now that you know how the private mode on LinkedIn works, I will proceed to discuss some of its features in this section.

Available to Both Free and Premium LinkedIn Accounts

Private mode on LinkedIn is free for all users. You don’t have to pay or own a premium account to make use of it.

Hence, even if you have a basic LinkedIn account – which is free – you will still be able to use private mode.

Offers a Profile Viewer Anonymity

The whole point of private mode on LinkedIn is anonymity. Hence, with private mode, you are literally anonymous – no one will know who you are.

Thus, your profile information won’t be revealed including profile picture, name, company, and job title. However, you can choose the semi-private mode which only reveals your job title and company name.

Private Mode Shows Your Profile as “LinkedIn Member”

Just to let someone know a private mode user viewed their profile, LinkedIn reveals it as “LinkedIn member”. Besides, if a private mode user also views your profile, the user’s profile will also be presented as a “LinkedIn member”.

Available for Both Recruiters and Job Seekers

Regardless of why you are on LinkedIn, the private mode is available for you. Hence, whether you are job hunting or recruiting, you can make use of private mode.

You can Activate or Deactivate This LinkedIn Feature Anytime

LinkedIn’s private mode is a feature that you can easily enable or disable at your convenience. Hence, if you wish to go public, you can simply turn it off from your LinkedIn profile settings.

Pros of Private Mode On LinkedIn

It Allows you to Recruit Easily and Better

Over time, LinkedIn has become one of the major platforms for recruiters worldwide.

This is because it is basically a giant database of CVs (Curriculum Vitae). As a matter of fact, 87% of recruiters often use LinkedIn to find candidates.

However, while finding the right candidate, you might not want people to know you looked at their profiles. Thus, using private mode makes you stay anonymous until you find the right person for the job.

It Enables You to Generate Leads

It is no news that LinkedIn is filled with high-level marketing executives, CEOs, and decision-makers.

Therefore, from their profiles, you can get leads on how to improve your career. Nevertheless, you might not want them to know that you are snooping up on them.

This might put them off or give them a wrong notion about you even before you get a chance to showcase your ideas. However, since private mode on LinkedIn keeps you anonymous, they don’t have to know.

Competitor Research

Oftentimes, you might want to look at your competitor’s profiles to know what they’re doing and how to be better. Well, private mode lets you access their profile for necessary information while being anonymous.

Besides, you do not want your competitors to know that you are checking out their progress.

Eliminates Unnecessary Connections

Since you are anonymous, no one will be able to access your profile or make unnecessary connections.

That gives you the opportunity to find the right clients for your expertise or service.

Cons of Private Mode on LinkedIn

Limited Network Opportunities

Although private mode comes with lots of benefits, it messes up your networking opportunities if used for too long. 

Moreover, one of the main purposes of LinkedIn is to create a professional network that can be beneficial to your career. So, if you always have your profile in private mode, no one will know who you are or what you can do.

This in turn significantly limits your networking opportunities.

Affects Account Targeting

Private mode on LinkedIn makes account targeting and outreach campaigns futile.

The reason for this is that browsing in private mode erases all the information from the “Who viewed your profile list”. Therefore, you won’t be able to see who visits your page.

This means you will not have a chance to see who is interested in your campaigns and outreaches. As a result, you will lose the chance to connect with potential clients. 

Limitation of Interactions

Setting your profile to private mode on LinkedIn limits your interaction with prospective clients.

They would mostly not have any information to reach you on urgent and pressing matters.

It Reduces the Number of People Who Views Your Profile

Keeping your profile in private mode limits the number of people who view your profile.

Moreover, when you view people’s profiles in public mode, they are notified. Thus, as a response, they will view your profile too.

However, in private mode, they do not have access to your profile.

Limited Functionality

As said earlier, the full functionality of LinkedIn’s private mode depends on the account type.

Basically, if you use a basic LinkedIn account with private mode, you will be able to anonymously browse through people’s profiles. However, you will not be able to reveal people who viewed your profile.

Nevertheless, with a premium LinkedIn account, you will be able to do both. Apparently, this is because premium accounts are for users who pay monthly or yearly subscriptions.


In a nutshell, private mode on LinkedIn is a feature that keeps you anonymous for various purposes. Some of these purposes might be competitor research or to recruit better.

Moreover, this feature is available for both basic and premium LinkedIn accounts. Also, when you use the feature and view someone’s profile, you will appear as a “LinkedIn Member” instead of your profile.

However, as much as private mode on LinkedIn has a lot of benefits, it has a few disadvantages. A few of these disadvantages are the limitation of network opportunities and limited interactions.

Therefore, if you must use this feature, it’s better you use it for a short period of time. Otherwise, you will end up missing out on some opportunities and making networking harder than it needs to be. 

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About the Author

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Mary Agada James

James Mary Agada is a Technical Writer for She has HND in Computer Science. Mary loves reading, movies, and Music. In, she writes gadget buying guides, apps and software reviews, movies, and video games reviews.

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