How to Schedule Windows 10 to Shutdown at Specified Time

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By Victor Ashiedu


If you want to schedule shutdown for Windows 10 (turn off) at a specified time, this guide is for you. There could be a number of reasons you want to schedule Windows 10 to shutdown automatically.

Maybe you forget to shutdown but you really want your computer to shutdown automatically, say every night. No matter your reason, the steps in this guide will help you achieve your aim.

Quick Steps

  1. Press Windows + R (Windows logo and R key simultaneously). This will open the Run command.
Steps to Schedule Windows 10 to Shutdown at Specified Time - open Run command
  1. Then type taskschd.msc in the Run field and click OK. Windows Task Scheduler will open.
  2. Right-click Task Scheduler (local) and select Create task. A new task window will open.
Steps to Schedule Windows 10 to Shutdown at Specified Time - create a new task
  1. On the name field, enter a name for the task. Make the task name descriptive of what it does to make it easy to identify. I will call mine Shutdown computer by 11pm. Also enter a description of what the task does.
  1. Next, on the Security options area confirm that the user has the permission to shutdown the computer. To change the user, click Change User or Group. Beneath the user name, select Run whether user is logged on or not.
  2. Click the Triggers tab.
The Triggers tab is where you determine what starts the task. Here you will add the time to schedule Windows 10 to shutdown.
  1. To add a new trigger, click New. Then on the Begin the task: drop-down ensure that On a schedule is selected. This is the default. Then select Daily and ensure 1 is entered at the Reoccur every box. Beside Start, select the date you want the task to start, then enter the time Finally, confirm that the Enabled box is checked.
To enter the time that the computer shuts down, it is important to follow the time format for your computer. Mine is in 24-hour format. So 11pm is 23:00:00. If you add the wrong time, your computer will shutdown at the wrong time!
Note that the date format shown above is British. If you are in the US, your date format will be different.
  1. When you finish with the new trigger, click OK. The new task trigger will now appear (highlighted in the image below).
Check the task trigger time details and confirm that it is correct.
  1. The next step is to add the action. This is the command that shuts your Windows 10 down. To do this, click the Actions tab.
  1. To add a new action (the shutdown command), click New. This loads the new action options. On the Actions: drop-down select Start a program (this is selected by default).
  1. Beside the Program/script field, click Browse. This loads \Windows\system32 folder. On the File name field type shutdown.exe and click Open.
  1. On the Add arguments (optional): field, type (or copy and paste) -s -t 0
To read more about shutdown command and how to use it, click shutdown link
  1. Finally, click OK. Then on the New Task window, click OK. When you click OK, you may receive a prompt to confirm your password. Enter your password and press OK.
Steps to Schedule Windows 10 to Shutdown at Specified Time - confirm your password
For the password to work, it MUST be entered in the format DomainName\UserName. If you are using a local account, enter it in the format ComputerName\UserName.
  1. The task schedule to shutdown windows 10 should now show in the list. To see the tasks, click Task Scheduler Library. To test that the task works, right-click it. Then select Run (second image below). Your computer should shutdown immediately (see the third image below).
schedule shutdown windows 10  run task
schedule shutdown windows 10 - test task
If your computer does not shutdown when you Run the task, check the part of the guide where you configured the task Actions.

About the Author

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Victor Ashiedu

Victor is the founder of InfoPress Media, publishers of Ilifeguides and Itechguides. With 20+ years of experience in IT infrastructure, his expertise spans Windows, Linux, and DevOps. Explore his contributions on for insightful how-to guides and product reviews.

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