How to Get Out of Fullscreen in WordPress

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By Oluwaseun Bamisile


Need to get out of fullscreen mode in WordPress but don’t know how? Check out this guide, as it explains multiple ways to achieve that.

Option 1: Exit Fullscreen Through WordPress Block Editor

A major and easy way to leave full-screen mode in WordPress is through the WordPress block editor. The following procedures and images will demonstrate how to do that.

  1. Sign in to the WordPress backend as an administrator. Now, hover your mouse cursor on Posts among the menus on the left pane, then select Add New from the displayed options.
  1. In the WordPress block editor, click the Options button (three vertical dots) at the top right corner. Finally, select Fullscreen mode from the options that appear.
Exit Fullscreen In WordPress Through WordPress Block Editor

Option 2: Get Out of Fullscreen Using a Plugin

Interestingly, there is a simple plugin that allows you to exit full-screen mode in WordPress. Basically, this free plugin disables full-screen mode in WordPress as soon as it is installed and activated.

Thus, the following procedures will demonstrate how to install and activate this plugin on your WordPress site.

  1. Log into the WordPress backend using an admin account. Afterward, hover your mouse cursor on Plugins and select Add New from the options that appear.
Get Out Of Fullscreen In WordPress Using A Plugin
  1. Now, input “Disable Block Editor FullScreen mode” in the search field on the Add Plugins page.
  1. From the search result, click the Install Now button of the Disable Block Editor FullScreen mode plugin.
Get Out Of Fullscreen In WordPress Using A Plugin
  1. After installing the plugin, click the blue Activate button to enable it in WordPress. Consequently, the full-screen mode in WordPress should be automatically disabled.

Option 3: Disable Fullscreen Using Code

Another method to exit full-screen mode in WordPress is by using a certain code. This method requires you to manually add the code to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file.

You should be careful with this method as messing with your theme’s functions.php file can damage your WordPress site.
  1. Login to the backend of your WordPress site. Then, hover your mouse pointer on Appearance among the menus on the left pane and select Theme File Editor.
  1. In the Edit Themes page, select Theme Functions (functions.php) among the Theme Files.
Disable Fullscreen In WordPress Using Code
  1. Now scroll to the bottom of the Theme Functions (functions.php) file and input the code below.
if (is_admin()) { 
    function jba_disable_editor_fullscreen_by_default() {
    $script = "jQuery( window ).load(function() { const isFullscreenMode = 'core/edit-post' ).isFeatureActive( 'fullscreenMode' ); if ( isFullscreenMode ) { 'core/edit-post' ).toggleFeature( 'fullscreenMode' ); } });";
    wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-blocks', $script );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'jba_disable_editor_fullscreen_by_default' );
  1. Finally, click the Update File at the bottom of the page to save the input. Hence, full-screen mode on WordPress should be disabled.
Disable Fullscreen In WordPress Using Code

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I turn off fullscreen mode in block editor?

To turn off full-screen mode in the WordPress block editor, follow the steps below.
a) Sign in to the WordPress backend as an administrator.
b) Now, hover your mouse cursor on Post among the menus on the left pane, then select Add New from the displayed options.
c) In the WordPress block editor, click the Options button (three vertical dots) at the top right corner.
d) Finally, select Fullscreen mode from the options that appear.

2. What is the shortcut to exit full screen in the WordPress block editor?

The keyboard shortcut to exit full screen in the WordPress block editor is Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F.

3. How do I enter full-screen mode while using the block editor in WordPress?

To enable full-screen mode while using the block editor in WordPress, click the Options button (three vertical dots) at the top right corner. Then, select Fullscreen mode from the options that appear.

4. When was WordPress released?

WordPress was released on May 27, 2003. American developer Matt Mullenweg and English developer Mike Little developed this content management system.

5. What does full-screen mode in WordPress do?

The full-screen mode in WordPress removes unnecessary icons and menus on the screen to create a distraction-free space. Hence, writers can focus mainly on writing with little to no distractions.


When using WordPress, it’s typical to find oneself editing a post or page in fullscreen mode. While this mode can help you focus on your content, it can also be frustrating when you want to switch quickly to a different task.

Fortunately, this guide provided three distinct methods to disable full-screen mode in WordPress. To be more specific, we discussed how to perform this task through the WordPress block editor.

This guide also taught us how to exit full-screen mode in WordPress by using a plugin. Additionally, we learned how to execute the task by adding a certain code to the theme’s functions.php file.

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Finally, to find other helpful WordPress guides, visit our WordPress & Websites How-To page.

About the Author

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Oluwaseun Bamisile

Oluwaseun is the Lead Content Editor at He holds a National Diploma in Computer Science (currently studying part-time for his Higher National Diploma). An internet geek with a love for automobiles, he writes product reviews, tech articles, and how-to guides on the site.

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